
World Book Day 2025

World Book Day 2025

We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 6th March at Mountjoy School! Please dress up if you can and bring your favourite books (clearly labelled with your name) into school to share with your class. Your £1 WBD book token will be sent home shortly. For more...

Acorns Communication

Acorns Communication

Acorns class have been trialling a range of communication tools this term to see what suits each child. We have been using sound buttons, PECS (Picture exchange communication system), ALD (Aided Language Display) and Grid on the iPad to communicate our wants and needs...

Acorns Outdoor Learning

Acorns Outdoor Learning

Acorns class have had a great time exploring the field and creating a range of items using natural materials such as wands, bird feeders and Christmas decorations. [gallery type="divi" size="medium"...

Acorns Physical Development

Acorns Physical Development

Acorns physical development – Acorns class have been enjoying outdoor play using all the climbing equipment, having a ride on Rumble the therapy horse, exploring our senses through pouring, mixing and touching the sensory trays and working on our independent skills...

Laurel Class Outdoor Learning

Laurel Class Outdoor Learning

This term Laurel Class have enjoyed Outdoor Learning sessions with Katie! We spend a session each Wednesday in our back field re-telling the story of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt', making our way through snowstorms, the river and thick mud before finally getting back...

Rowan Class at Kingcombe Wildlife Centre

Rowan Class at Kingcombe Wildlife Centre

Rowan have been visiting Kingcombe Wildlife Centre every Tuesday this term.  We’ve had a great time working towards our Silver Outdoor Learning Award.  Some of the activities have included; river dipping, a 1 mile walk, bird watching, identifying of plants, trees, and...

Mountjoy grown pumpkins are carved!

Mountjoy grown pumpkins are carved!

Oak class were fortunate enough to be the recipients of one of the Mountjoy grown pumpkins. With a student who loves Halloween how could we not?! The students drew faces that they would like to go on the pumpkin and then we chose the one to be cut out……our cutting...

Thank you Phrenix for our day at The Wave

Thank you Phrenix for our day at The Wave

Mountjoy school students got to experience The Wave again thanks to Phrenix and what an amazing day it was for everyone.  Despite it being a bit chilly being mid-October everyone managed to get in the water and enjoy some surfing.  The instructors were fantastic at...

Joshua Denning Pride of Britain Awards

Joshua Denning Pride of Britain Awards

All at Mountjoy would like to wish Joshua good luck at the Pride of Britain Awards tonight! Joshua is a regional winner for fundraising - collecting and supporting the RNLI in Lyme Regis, Lyme Regis Regatta and Royal British Legion, so far raising over fifty thousand...

Joshua Denning Pride of Britain Awards

Visit from SSCO Pepper and SSCO Hann

Today, we had a great visit from SSCO Albert Pepper and SSCO Stuart Hann to talk to our older students regarding online safety.  They spoke to the students about how to stay safe and how to speak to each other whilst online but also who to talk to if they are at...

We are looking for a new Governor to join our team

We are looking for a new Governor to join our team

Mountjoy School are looking for a new Governor to join our team Do you have an interest in education, some spare time and a willingness to help a local special school? If so, we would be interested to hear from you, please email Siobhan Freer, Clerk to Governors...

Hello Yellow Day

Hello Yellow Day

Ash class organised a day of activities for Hello Yellow Day to go towards their volunteering element of the Duke of Edinburgh Award.  Hello Yellow Day is a charity supporting young minds and yesterday was World Mental Health Day. Ash pupils planned Wellie Wangling,...

Go Team GB!

Go Team GB!

Monday 22nd July marked the launch of the Olympics at Mountjoy School with a very special local guest making an appearance. Harry Stewart the Paralympic swimmer for Team GB started the day with a question and answer session for our KS3 and above students. This...

Oak Class sessions at Weymouth and Portland Adventure

Oak Class sessions at Weymouth and Portland Adventure

Oak Class have been lucky enough to have sessions at Weymouth and Portland Adventure. Returning to see Darren and the team after quite a break, we last worked with them when we did NCS 2 years ago. Darren and Alan came into school in the Autumn term to meet the...

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

On 11th and 12th July, 7 students from Ash class took part in their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expedition.  They have been working on their other sections through the year.  We prepared for the expedition with map reading and navigation, stove cooking and basic first...

Beach School with Hazel Class

Beach School with Hazel Class

Hazel class really enjoyed our end of term Beach school session at West Bay. We spent some time on the beach making clocks, and thinking about good and bad rules for the beach. We then were lucky enough to have a hot lunch at Snack Shack to celebrate the year. All of...

Chestnut & Rowan went Kayaking

Chestnut & Rowan went Kayaking

On Friday Chestnut & Rowan visited Sandsfoot beach in Weymouth for a kayaking session run by Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre . Most of the students had either never kayaked or only done it once before. After helmets and life jackets were on the first group set...

Drama day at the Marine Theatre

Drama day at the Marine Theatre

As part of Arts Week, the drama group went to the Marine Theatre in Lyme Regis to take part in a workshop with year 10 students from Woodroffe School. It was an amazing morning playing drama games and acting out the story 'Get off my train.' The day was really...

Whole School Arts Week

Whole School Arts Week

We have had a fantastic arts week at Mountjoy!  All of the students (and staff) have had a brilliant time making pieces of art from their Chihuly magic boxes, painting pebbles, for a whole school installation, painting canvases (available to buy for a suggested...

Mountjoy Breakfast Club has a special visitor

Mountjoy Breakfast Club has a special visitor

Following a presentation on the Mountjoy Belonging Breakfast Club to organisations in West Dorset, we were asked if Chief Superintendent Stewart Dipple could visit. He came with lots of uniform that our pupils enjoyed dressing up in, and then he had fun playing with...

Glitz & Glamour 2024 Prom!

Glitz & Glamour 2024 Prom!

What an amazing Prom we had last week.  The Key Stage 4, 5 and 6 form students came back into school for their Glitz & Glamour Prom.  Students arrived in a variety of ways from a tractor, motorbike, convertible cars to hoverboard!  Students had selected their own...

Leavers Assembly and BBQ

Leavers Assembly and BBQ

On Thursday of last week we had our annual leavers assembly where we waved off seven students . All were given a prom photo from the night before and sung out to "So Strong by the whole school" . We wish each and every leaver the best of luck in which ever path they...

M&M Theatrical Productions performing Oliver Twist

M&M Theatrical Productions performing Oliver Twist

M&M Theatrical Productions put on an amazing performance of Oliver Twist in our school hall on Friday . We were transported to Victorian London and were immersed in the Classic Charles Dickens story, with amazing songs and set designs to keep us all enthralled....

The last College visit for Ash class this academic year was at SWRAC near Dorchester.  A small friendly college set in the Dorset countryside with lovely staff and students who spent the day with us telling us about their college and experiences. SWRAC have a range of...

Joshua Denning Pride of Britain Awards

Pride Month at Mountjoy

On Friday 21st June we celebrated Pride Month at Mountjoy.  Pride month is about acceptance, equality, and celebration and raising awareness of issues affecting the LGBTQIA+ community.  We have our own group the ' Sun and Moon Group' who wanted a day of colour so...

Masonic Fishing Trip

Masonic Fishing Trip

A small group of students were treated exceptionally well at Higher Kingcombe Fishing lakes today.  The Masonic Fishing Charity supported and entertained them all day.  Every student caught at least one fish.  Some were big and some were tiny.  It didn't matter...

Oak Class Residential – Magdelen Farm 2024

Oak Class Residential – Magdelen Farm 2024

Oak Class spent a fantastic few days at Magdalen Farm last week. Finally, after a tummy bug at the 11th hour halted the residential last time round, Oak Class made it to Magdalen Farm. Having accommodation in the ‘Farmhouse’ meant that the boys and staff had a ‘home...

You Do Music…………

You Do Music…………

On Tuesday mornings this term we have a group of eleven students from across the school doing ‘You Do Music’ with Gary Pickard, a local musician. Some of the students were working on notes and chords for keyboard and bass guitar, while others write lyrics for our...

Juniper class trip to Freshwater and West Bay

Juniper class trip to Freshwater and West Bay

Some of Juniper Class took a trip to Freshwater Holiday Park to go bowling. We had a great time pushing the bowling balls down the alley to knock down the pins. Some of us were very competitive and even managed to score some strikes !  We've also had some of our class...

Chestnut Visit to Kingcombe

Chestnut Visit to Kingcombe

Chestnut class are really enjoying being out and about at Kingcombe each week this term.  So far we've been looking for animal tracks, (plenty of deer prints there!)  Exploring the meadows and learning how to use a compass, We've been down to the stream to see how it...

Sports Leaders in Ash Class

Sports Leaders in Ash Class

On Monday some of Ash class joined other schools in finishing their sports leadership course, learning how to deliver short sports activities to younger children. Head of PE Kelly Trotter is hoping to roll this out most years from now on to give our students...

Joshua Denning Pride of Britain Awards

Post 16 SEND Travel Assistance

Important Reminder from Dorset Council: If your children use or are planning to use Post 16 SEND Travel Assistance, mark your calendars! The application deadline for September 2024 is 31st May. For more information please visit Dorset Council Post 16 SEND Travel...

Chestnut Class – Kingcombe Wildlife Centre

Chestnut Class – Kingcombe Wildlife Centre

This term for Science, Chestnut Class are learning about ourselves, the environment, wildlife, horticulture and learning some skills on how to cope in an emergency.  We had a fantastic first trip to Kingcombe Wildlife Centre yesterday, where we'll be visiting on a...

Readathon Update

Readathon Update

Thank you to everyone who has donated and taken part in the Readathon Challenge. It is such a super way to get our pupils enjoying books as well as raising money for an amazing charity. Here is the link if you have money still to donate: Sponsor a pupil - First find...

Bridport Leisure Centre Easter Activities

Bridport Leisure Centre Easter Activities

Please see the flyers below for Bridport Leisure Centre's Easter Children’s Activities. These include Fully Funded Day Camps, for those eligible and in receipt of benefit-related free school meals in the Dorset Council Area and dedicated SEN Pool and Soft Play...

Listening Books

Listening Books

Listening Books, a charity which provides audiobooks to people who find that an illness, disability, learning difficulty or mental health condition affects their ability to read or hold a book, are currently offering FREE memberships to individuals located in Dorset...

Red Nose Day 2024

Red Nose Day 2024

Red Nose Day is nearly here! Red Nose Day is back on Friday 15 March. This Red Nose Day, it takes different kinds of people to be all kinds of funny. It takes different kinds of people to raise all kinds of money... If you would like to donate, please see the school...

Careers Week at Mountjoy

Careers Week at Mountjoy

Wow!! What a busy careers week we’ve had, from leaning about the hospitality industry; making beds and milkshakes to touring the Numatics factory and lots more in between. We have lots of amazing people to thank for coming and sharing with us ; Amy and Gareth from The...

Joshua Denning Pride of Britain Awards

Health and Wellbeing Week

Mountjoy had a wonderful Health and Wellbeing Week, this short slideshow shows some of the activities...  

Relationship Support For Parents

Maple Class has a visit from Wilber!

As part of our science topic this term, we had a visit from Wilber the skeleton. We have been learning about the different bones in the body; how they work with our muscles and tendons. It was great to see how the children remembered some of the bone names and his...



Buddies is back for the Summer!  Please see Flyer attached for details

Leap Year Bounce

Leap Year Bounce

On February 29th, pupils from Mountjoy School took part in a sponsored bounce to mark the leap year and raise fund for The Friends of Mountjoy School. Your children have collectively raised over £1000 so far with more money still coming in. Watch this space for a...

Readathon Update


Last year we participated in a school readathon and raised over £90! This year we are running it again 🙂 We have received our box of amazing books, posters and bookmarks and are ready to launch. You can read/listen to stories, magazines, comics, recipes, instructions,...

Oak Class Theatre Trip January 2024

Oak Class Theatre Trip January 2024

On Monday 22nd January Oak class went on a theatre trip to Dorchester!! Dorchester Arts had organised ‘Frozen Light’ specialist PMLD theatre company to visit the Corn Exchange with their ‘Bar at the Edge of Time’ show. We were able to have the whole session to...

Rowan Class – Hampton Court Visit Jan 2024

Rowan Class – Hampton Court Visit Jan 2024

On Wednesday 17th January 2024, Rowan class went to Hampton Court Palace to learn about Tudor Britain. We found out so much about Henry VIII and his 6 wives! We had an amazing time exploring the palace, dressing up in Tudor costumes, feeling replicas from the time;...

Ash Class – Employ My Ability Visit 2024

Ash Class – Employ My Ability Visit 2024

Ash class had a great day yesterday at Employ My Ability despite the rainy weather.  We had a quick tour of the animals, horticulture areas and saw some of the classrooms.  We then went into the cafe where some of the students from EMA served us a drink which the...

Rainbow Harp

Rainbow Harp

Rainbow Harp for Mountjoy We are very excited as we have a new addition to our musical instrument collection! A Rainbow Harp! Polly Orr- Ewing, our music therapist, felt this would be a great addition for our students as it is very sensory and makes a beautiful...

Ash Class – Asker Meadows Nature Reserve

Ash Class – Asker Meadows Nature Reserve

For the past 18 months Oak and Ash class having been volunteering at the Asker Meadows Nature Reserve in Bridport.  With funding from Bournemouth University and the support of Wen Fern and the volunteers we have collected litter, monitored water in the River Asker and...

Signs Of The Week Look See Listen Hear

MASH Review – Badge Maker

The second of ASH class' review videos has hit Youtube. If possible, please like, subscribe and share to help grow this channel.

Ash Class Christmas Special 2023

Ash Class Christmas Special 2023

Ash have enjoyed a busy school festive period.  Kicking off the week with the school production of "Stickman", where our dogs wriggled on stage, and we had some very sticky stick sticks!  We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did. Yesterday we tucked into a lovely...

Ash Class – MASH Review

Ash Class – MASH Review

Ash students worked hard with the Bank of Dreams and Nightmares to review unusual products, film these reviews and edit these into a new Youtube channel called: The Mash review.  A new product will be reviewed each month and will help students access a number of roles...

Acorns Class – Autumn Term 2023

Acorns Class – Autumn Term 2023

Acorns class have settled in well to life at Mountjoy School. They have gotten used to the routines of the day and have started to build friendships with each other which has been so lovely to watch! We have been outside in all weathers and have enjoyed getting messy...

Magdelen Farm Elm & Juniper Class December 2023

Magdelen Farm Elm & Juniper Class December 2023

Our 2nd visit to the farm for some of Juniper and Elm pupils. A cold and damp morning greeted us for our visit. Even Icicles were seen on the thatched roof of our base the round house. We were talked through the rules of the farm before snack.  First we fed the goats,...

Joshua Denning Pride of Britain Awards

Local Post 16 and 19 Open Days

There are some local Post 16 and 19 providers with upcoming open days, it's never too early to have a look and see what is on offer in readiness for those key transitions:  - Specific High Needs and SEN Event Monday 4th December - need...

Magdelen Farm Elm & Juniper Class Autumn Term 2023

Magdelen Farm Elm & Juniper Class Autumn Term 2023

A dry sunny day ahead for our first visit to Magdalen Farm for some pupils from Juniper and Elm class. Wellies on we went up to feed the pigs some chopped apples. The pigs were very happy to see us. Some of us were a bit unsure at first but we all helped to feed them,...

Off site exploration for Laurel Class Autumn Term 2023

Off site exploration for Laurel Class Autumn Term 2023

On Friday 17th November Laurel class spent the day at Magdalen Farm learning about all aspects of the farm life. This was an amazing day and all the students were fully engaged in all the activities. We helped care for the farm animals and learnt about organic welfare...

Juniper walk

Juniper walk

Some of Juniper had a lovely walk today in the sunshine. We enjoyed looking at the shops in Beaminster and going into CO-OP to buy some chocolate biscuits!  

Secondary age group PE carousel – Hockey Autumn Term 2023

Secondary age group PE carousel – Hockey Autumn Term 2023

This school year we have started our secondary age group PE Friday afternoon carousel. The first group had a hot start to the half term of hockey and a wet finish, All progressed well learning a new sport, and new skills and showed great potential. [gallery...

Joshua Denning Pride of Britain Awards

Mental Health Resources

The Education Hub lists useful mental health resources in case you are worried about your child's wellbeing. The resources are dedicated to children and young people’s general mental health and wellbeing, with a particular focus on mindfulness with developing coping...

Joshua Denning Pride of Britain Awards

Harvest Festival

Thank you to the staff and parents / carers of Mountjoy School for being so generous with donations of food for our Harvest Festival, which has gone to the Beaminster Food Bank. Our assembly, led by Rev Jo Neary, Pioneer Priest, was full of singing and thankfulness...

Summer Reading Challange

Summer Reading Challange

The Summer Reading Challenge 2023 is on now! Audio books (these are loaned out on Playaway devices too!) are as valid as any books you read. 6 books gets a certificate. For more information visit Summer Reading Challenge Have fun reading!

Donkey Sanctuary

Donkey Sanctuary

A lovely sunny visit to the The Donkey Sanctuary where we met lots of Donkeys and had fun in the park. Lunch was enjoyed in the sunshine and although very busy everyone had fun and enjoyed the day, click on the link for more info. A lovely place to go with lots to do...

9 Springs 2023

9 Springs 2023

A day at Nine Springs in Yeovil was enjoyed by families with lots to see and do. A trip around the park led us past the springs and we saw ducks, fish and ended in the cafe for a milkshake or two. We found painted stones on the trail, even Theo found one, a great...



  How fantastic! All your Readathon sponsorship money totalled £92.00. What a fantastic achievement. Watch the video by Sir Tony Robinson by clicking here: 

Bridport Family Meet Up Summer 2023

Bridport Family Meet Up Summer 2023

The weather was on our side and we had a good time at the park, some of the children ventured on to the higher apparatus and navigated this fantastically. Theo The Therapy dog came along too and the children and young people enjoyed being with him. Theo really enjoyed...

Music Club

Music Club

We recently had an after school Music Club which was lead by Gary from Open Orchestra and Ellie from B Sharp. All the children had a lovely time exploring various musical instruments and singing.

Sign up to test the new local offer.

Sign up to test the new local offer.

Dorset Council are looking for parents or carers of children who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) to do some user testing on the Dorset Council website - specifically on the SEND Local Offer web pages. This will involve you doing 5 simple tasks on...

Dorset Youth launch a new website.

Dorset Youth launch a new website.

Dorset has launched a new site for Dorset Youth with lots of advice for young people. Young peoples' pages including mental health, sexual health, SEND, LGBT etc.