Acorn Class

Becki Gould

Becki Gould

Class Teacher

Fiona McCarthy

Fiona McCarthy

Senior Nursery Assistant

Mari Walker

Mari Walker

Class Teacher

Acorns Class – Mission Statement

Intent To provide a nurturing environment that welcomes children into Mountjoy and develops their desire to learn through play and exploration – with each child at the centre of their own learning.

Implementation EYFS Curriculum & MAPS A stimulating and fun environment (that uses the indoor and outdoor classroom) promoting exploration and play alongside learning routines and schedules for greater independence.

Impact Happy and confident young children who are developing their communication, social, physical skills ready for future learning.

Welcome to Early Years at Mountjoy

Early Years at Mountjoy School is a nurturing, fun and engaging learning experience. We follow a Total Communication approach to learning, using words, symbols, pictures, signing and objects of reference to help children understand friendships and healthy relationships, respond positively to praise and establish routines and structure.

Children can begin their time at Mountjoy from age two and a half. The children are introduced to a different learning topic each half term and staff are skilled at supporting and extending our children’s learning through planned activities, pupil choice and learning through play. During their time in Acorns, we help support children to develop important life skills for health and self-care and ensure the safety of each child in our care with excellent safeguarding procedures and welfare support.

In Acorns class we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. There are 7 areas of learning and development in the Early Years Foundation Stage framework. The 3 areas, known as the prime areas, are seen as particularly important for igniting curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and for building children’s capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.

The prime areas are:

• Communication and language

• Physical development

• Personal, social and emotional development.

The prime areas are strengthened and applied through 4 specific areas:

• Literacy

• Mathematics

• Understanding the world

• Expressive arts and design

We follow the Read Write Inc. phonics program along with the rest of the school as well as White Rose Maths.

Progress and attainment is assessed by the teachers and is also monitored through national assessment tests and tasks. In addition to this, we use Evisense at Mountjoy in partnership with parents to record and compare activities, track progress and link learning between home and school.

As children progress, they work towards a more formal approach to their learning. They access play based activities at set times throughout the day and continue to work on any therapy programs and self-regulation strategies they have learnt.

Acorns Communication

Acorns Communication

Acorns class have been trialling a range of communication tools this term to see what suits each child. We have been using sound buttons, PECS (Picture exchange communication system), ALD (Aided Language Display) and Grid on the iPad to communicate our wants and needs...

Acorns Outdoor Learning

Acorns Outdoor Learning

Acorns class have had a great time exploring the field and creating a range of items using natural materials such as wands, bird feeders and Christmas decorations. [gallery type="divi" size="medium"...

Acorns Physical Development

Acorns Physical Development

Acorns physical development – Acorns class have been enjoying outdoor play using all the climbing equipment, having a ride on Rumble the therapy horse, exploring our senses through pouring, mixing and touching the sensory trays and working on our independent skills...

Acorns Class – Autumn Term 2023

Acorns Class – Autumn Term 2023

Acorns class have settled in well to life at Mountjoy School. They have gotten used to the routines of the day and have started to build friendships with each other which has been so lovely to watch! We have been outside in all weathers and have enjoyed getting messy...

Christmas Jumper Day 8th December

Christmas Jumper Day 8th December

  We are celebrating Christmas Jumper Day on 8th December, which will hopefully bring some colour to this very gloomy December, and to raise funds for Save the Children. Please wear something Christmasy tomorrow and if you can, spare some change which will be...

Christmas Tree Festival at Bridport United Church 2023

Christmas Tree Festival at Bridport United Church 2023

Mountjoy are taking part in the Annual Christmas Tree festival at the Bridport United Church.  The festival runs from 6th - 17th December. Our Tree is number 34 on a theme of 'Belonging', to the right of the entrance, featuring artwork from Acorns, Elm, Hazel and Oak....