Making a difference today, for tomorrow.

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Go Team GB!

Monday 22nd July marked the launch of the Olympics at Mountjoy School with a very special local guest making an appearance. Harry Stewart the Paralympic swimmer for Team GB started the day with a question and answer session for our KS3 and above students. This...

Oak Class sessions at Weymouth and Portland Adventure

Oak Class have been lucky enough to have sessions at Weymouth and Portland Adventure. Returning to see Darren and the team after quite a break, we last worked with them when we did NCS 2 years ago. Darren and Alan came into school in the Autumn term to meet the...

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

On 11th and 12th July, 7 students from Ash class took part in their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expedition.  They have been working on their other sections through the year.  We prepared for the expedition with map reading and navigation, stove cooking and basic first...

Beach School with Hazel Class

Hazel class really enjoyed our end of term Beach school session at West Bay. We spent some time on the beach making clocks, and thinking about good and bad rules for the beach. We then were lucky enough to have a hot lunch at Snack Shack to celebrate the year. All of...

Chestnut & Rowan went Kayaking

On Friday Chestnut & Rowan visited Sandsfoot beach in Weymouth for a kayaking session run by Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre . Most of the students had either never kayaked or only done it once before. After helmets and life jackets were on the first group set...

Drama day at the Marine Theatre

As part of Arts Week, the drama group went to the Marine Theatre in Lyme Regis to take part in a workshop with year 10 students from Woodroffe School. It was an amazing morning playing drama games and acting out the story 'Get off my train.' The day was really...

Whole School Arts Week

We have had a fantastic arts week at Mountjoy!  All of the students (and staff) have had a brilliant time making pieces of art from their Chihuly magic boxes, painting pebbles, for a whole school installation, painting canvases (available to buy for a suggested...

Mountjoy Breakfast Club has a special visitor

Following a presentation on the Mountjoy Belonging Breakfast Club to organisations in West Dorset, we were asked if Chief Superintendent Stewart Dipple could visit. He came with lots of uniform that our pupils enjoyed dressing up in, and then he had fun playing with...

Glitz & Glamour 2024 Prom!

What an amazing Prom we had last week.  The Key Stage 4, 5 and 6 form students came back into school for their Glitz & Glamour Prom.  Students arrived in a variety of ways from a tractor, motorbike, convertible cars to hoverboard!  Students had selected their own...

Leavers Assembly and BBQ

On Thursday of last week we had our annual leavers assembly where we waved off seven students . All were given a prom photo from the night before and sung out to "So Strong by the whole school" . We wish each and every leaver the best of luck in which ever path they...