Making a difference today, for tomorrow.

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World Book Day 2025

We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 6th March at Mountjoy School! Please dress up if you can and bring your favourite books (clearly labelled with your name) into school to share with your class. Your £1 WBD book token will be sent home shortly. For more...

Acorns Communication

Acorns class have been trialling a range of communication tools this term to see what suits each child. We have been using sound buttons, PECS (Picture exchange communication system), ALD (Aided Language Display) and Grid on the iPad to communicate our wants and needs...

Acorns Outdoor Learning

Acorns class have had a great time exploring the field and creating a range of items using natural materials such as wands, bird feeders and Christmas decorations. [gallery type="divi" size="medium"...

Acorns Physical Development

Acorns physical development – Acorns class have been enjoying outdoor play using all the climbing equipment, having a ride on Rumble the therapy horse, exploring our senses through pouring, mixing and touching the sensory trays and working on our independent skills...

Laurel Class Outdoor Learning

This term Laurel Class have enjoyed Outdoor Learning sessions with Katie! We spend a session each Wednesday in our back field re-telling the story of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt', making our way through snowstorms, the river and thick mud before finally getting back...

Rowan Class at Kingcombe Wildlife Centre

Rowan have been visiting Kingcombe Wildlife Centre every Tuesday this term.  We’ve had a great time working towards our Silver Outdoor Learning Award.  Some of the activities have included; river dipping, a 1 mile walk, bird watching, identifying of plants, trees, and...

Mountjoy grown pumpkins are carved!

Oak class were fortunate enough to be the recipients of one of the Mountjoy grown pumpkins. With a student who loves Halloween how could we not?! The students drew faces that they would like to go on the pumpkin and then we chose the one to be cut out……our cutting...

Thank you Phrenix for our day at The Wave

Mountjoy school students got to experience The Wave again thanks to Phrenix and what an amazing day it was for everyone.  Despite it being a bit chilly being mid-October everyone managed to get in the water and enjoy some surfing.  The instructors were fantastic at...

Joshua Denning Pride of Britain Awards

All at Mountjoy would like to wish Joshua good luck at the Pride of Britain Awards tonight! Joshua is a regional winner for fundraising - collecting and supporting the RNLI in Lyme Regis, Lyme Regis Regatta and Royal British Legion, so far raising over fifty thousand...

Visit from SSCO Pepper and SSCO Hann

Today, we had a great visit from SSCO Albert Pepper and SSCO Stuart Hann to talk to our older students regarding online safety.  They spoke to the students about how to stay safe and how to speak to each other whilst online but also who to talk to if they are at...