Laurel Class

Kelly Trotter

Kelly Trotter

Class Teacher

Laurel Class – Mission Statement

Intent – For all students in laurel class to have a voice and be listened to using a ACC approach. We strive to be as independent as possible always working towards life beyond Mountjoy.

Implementation – We follow a range of different learning pathways from an MSC curriculum, Autism Progress, Progression Steps, and Maps which are bespoke to the child in order to meet there needs. This gives each child the opportunity to develop and explore functional skills through engaging tactile and pictorial methods building on existing strengths and interests where possible.

Impact – For all pupils to be happy and live a fulfilled life, with active learning that will follow their own unique pathway across school gaining and developing skills ready for the post 16 curriculum and life beyond.

This mixed key stage class will provide a Total Communication approach using tools such as grid pads, switches and pod books. This is a highly structured classroom environment which supports the student’s personalised learning, and builds confidence. Whilst they continue to follow the subjects in the National Curriculum appropriate to their age, there is an emphasis on physical and sensory learning alongside the academic subjects. Many students follow a MSI (Multi-Sensory) Curriculum within Laurel, which ensures their learning experiences are targeted, functional and meaningful to the individual. Bringing out the best in the child and celebrating “what we can do” this is key in Laurel class.

Pupils will have inclusion for Maths and English where appropriate within key stage/ability groups. There will be a focus on nurture, behaviour awareness and management, sensory integration and therapy throughout the year.

Pupils in Laurel are given a clear structure and repetitive systems are in place to enable pupils to access all learning opportunities, in and outside the classroom. The learning style of Laurel pupils allows touch and physical activities to be embraced. We use a hands on approach to learning and enjoy building, creating and experimenting. We learn through emotions, movement, space and lots of modelling and demonstration by the Laurel team.

Young people in Laurel are all assessed using P Levels and the National Curriculum Levels, alongside other tools which measure and celebrate progress including the MSI (Multi-Sensory) assessment strand.

Laurel Class Outdoor Learning

Laurel Class Outdoor Learning

This term Laurel Class have enjoyed Outdoor Learning sessions with Katie! We spend a session each Wednesday in our back field re-telling the story of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt', making our way through snowstorms, the river and thick mud before finally getting back...

Christmas Jumper Day 8th December

Christmas Jumper Day 8th December

  We are celebrating Christmas Jumper Day on 8th December, which will hopefully bring some colour to this very gloomy December, and to raise funds for Save the Children. Please wear something Christmasy tomorrow and if you can, spare some change which will be...

Off site exploration for Laurel Class Autumn Term 2023

Off site exploration for Laurel Class Autumn Term 2023

On Friday 17th November Laurel class spent the day at Magdalen Farm learning about all aspects of the farm life. This was an amazing day and all the students were fully engaged in all the activities. We helped care for the farm animals and learnt about organic welfare...