
Welcome to our school website where you will find out lots of information about the school and learn about our values. The last Ofsted report captured why it is a very special place to learn and to teach (see below).

We hold our pupils in very high regard and work closely with our families to ensure what we do helps them grow into happy, resilient adults with a strong sense of what they want from the future.

Our school environment is modern and well-resourced with a hydrotherapy pool, sensory room and garden, soft play area and well-designed outdoor learning spaces.

Thank you for visiting the website and please contact the school office on 01308 861155 if you would like any further information or want to visit in person.

Gill Howard

“The child is at the centre of everything the school does. This is the view shared by many parents and characterises what it is like to be a pupil at Mountjoy. Pupils love to attend and appreciate everything adults do for them. Pupils spoke in detail about the work adults do to ensure they become as independent as they can. Pupils enjoy their learning and aspire to become the best they can be. They talked with enthusiasm about the learning opportunities adults provide. Pupils appreciate the range of additional activities, such as orchestra and choir, which they attend with excitement. A wide range of trips and visitors to the school complement and enhance the curriculum. Adults have high expectations of behaviour. Pupils respond to this and behave well. They say that bullying is rare and if issues occur, staff sort them out quickly. Pupils say there is always an adult in school they can talk to. Leaders place a high priority on pupils’ personal development. Adults know each pupil exceptionally well. They are quick to spot any changes in their well-being and take swift action. Pupils are safe and well looked after.”

Ofsted (November 2022)