Pupil Progress
Mountjoy Pupil Progress 2021/22
Our main responsibility as a school is to ensure that our pupils make progress in their learning. Although Mountjoy pupils enter the school with levels of attainment significantly below other young people of the same age, there is still a clear expectation that they will work hard and make academic progress as quickly as they can. They are set challenging targets in all subjects each year and their progress is tracked closely throughout the year in order to ensure that they achieve them. Pupils at risk of not meeting targets are given additional support.
Data collection at Mountjoy – what you need to know
There are 3 data collection points during the academic year – In September MAP data is collected charting the progress of pupils towards their individual EHCP outcomes, in December/January a data check takes place with a sample of data taken across the school covering the core curriculum subjects, and at the end of June data for the year for each pupil is collected for the core subjects.
There are 5 curriculum pathways at Mountjoy and each curriculum has an assessment system through which progress is recorded.
It is important to collect progress data for our pupils so that we can identify their strengths and weaknesses, and offer support where appropriate to help them achieve their full potential. Data collection also informs school improvement and development.
Core subject data is available on the website for the previous academic year from September of the new term. MAP data, charting progress towards EHCP outcomes, will also be available once collected and collated in October.
At our last inspection, Ofsted judged our progress to be good “teachers have high expectations and so many pupils make good progress”
We are required by law to report the following information on our website:
0% Key Stage 2 pupils achieved level 4 or above in English and/or Maths
0% Key Stage 4 pupils achieved 5+ A* to C GCSEs (or equivalent), including English and Maths GCSEs and 0% Key Stage 4 pupils achieved the English Baccalaureate.
Click here for a link to the School Performance Tables on the Department of Education website.
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