
At Mountjoy, we believe that every young person should be exposed to literacy learning and most of our children and young people are able to develop the skills they need to read and write. At Mountjoy reading and writing is linked to communication development.

Read Write Inc Phonics

To support the process of learning to read we use a systematic phonics programme called ‘Read Write Inc Phonics’ . It is a government approved, structured programme which we adapt to suit the needs of our groups and individuals. Each group is arranged according to their phonics knowledge and are monitored regularly to allow movement between groups and interventions where necessary.

Whilst in a RWInc group your child will bring home a paper copy of their phonics reading book to share with you at home- this may also be sound cards or a one-page text .

In the older year groups, we use ‘Fresh Start’ which follows the same pathway and routines as RWInc but with age-appropriate books/texts.

Below are some links to help to understand phonics. RWInc and how to say each sound so that you can support your child reading at home.

To find out more about Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc. Phonics click here

Parent video: What is Read Write Inc Phonics – YouTube



At Mountjoy we are also now using a digital reading record called ‘BoomReader’.

This amazing app helps us to keep a digital record of your child’s reading- both at home and at school. No more lost or soggy reading record books!

Every book, audio book, shared read recorded on the app will be archived so that your child’s reading journey is kept safe and can be looked back on as they move through the school.

If you would prefer a paper reading record, please ask your child’s teacher as we will have some available in school.

Please click here for BoomReader Parents information.

Sharing reading with your child is an amazing activity to do at home. Reading for our pupils can take on many forms and is a great way to communicate and learn. This poster form the Education Endowment Fund gives some great tips on reading with your child.

Many of our students are on the RWinc or FreshStart phonics programme and will work systematically through their sounds: building their reading skills alongside word and sentence work appropriate to them.
If your child is in a phonics group, then they will have a paper Read Write Inc book to share with you at home.


We love to see what/ how you are reading at home – using the BoomReader app can help us and you to keep track of all the wonderful reading you do.  BoomReader Parents (boomhub.app)

Here are some links to stories that your child can listen to and/or watch being read to them:
Here is a website that you can read books on for free- for those older or more independent readers (lots of Diary of a Wimpy Kid books on this site !
Please add any stories that your child listens to, shares or reads with you on the BoomReader app
At Mountjoy we ensure that all of our students have access to and experience of a wide range of text types and narrative in line with their mainstream peers. We adapt our learning experiences to meet the needs of each class and pupil to ensure engagemnet, understanding and development of key writing skills appropriate for them. As pupils move to KS4 the focus moves towards gaining Functional Skills and Entry Level qualifications where appropriate whilst still experiencing a diverse range of texts.

English Map 2024-2025

At Mountjoy we aim for students to have gained a level of accuracy, legibility and speed in their handwriting that enables them to access the curriculum at their level of understanding as well as being able to function effectively beyond their time at Mountjoy.
Letter formation will be introduced as each sound is learnt during RWInc phonics sessions following the RWInc planning. There is a rhyme and a visual to support each letter.
In class; letter formation and joins will be re-taught and reinforced as appropriate for each pupil’s stage.
Fine motor skills and Gross motor skills
Fine and gross motor skills are the foundations on which handwriting can be learnt. Without a degree of core stability; the ability to cross the midline or the finger/hand strength to hold a writing implement, handwriting cannot be achieved.  These skills are largely focused on during EYFS ; however, many of these skills will need weaving throughout the day for a vast majority of our students.