

The Governing Body oversees the work of the School and ensures that the School provides a good quality education for its pupils.  The Governors work in partnership with the Headteacher and other staff and are involved in such matters as:

  • Setting the School’s aims and policies;
  • Improving standards of teaching and achievement;
  • Setting the School’s budget plan and monitoring expenditure;
  • Interviewing and appointing staff;
  • Acting as a link between the Local Authority and the School;
  • Drawing up an action plan after an inspection and monitoring the success of the plan.

The Governing Body consists of one Local Authority Governor, two Parent Governors, one Staff Governor, the Head Teacher and eleven co-opted Governors who are elected for a four year term of office.  The Governing Body meets twice a term as does the ancillary committees: Resources Committee (Formerly Finance & Staffing and Premises, Pupil Welfare and Curriculum Committee. The Governors regularly visit the School and observe the work that is being carried out by the staff.

Copies of minutes of Full Governing Board meetings are available from the clerk on request

The Governing Body

Helen Farmer

Helen Farmer

Chair - Co-opted Governor

I have worked in the education sector for most of my life with the last 20 years in Bridport. During this time I have benefited from meeting so many wonderful families and enjoyed watching their children flourish despite challenging circumstances. My husband and I have fostered for over 25 years brought up three children of our own and are now enjoying retirement and grandchildren.

Gill Howard

Gill Howard

Head Teacher, ex-officio Governor

After a long career in special educational needs, I have ended up leading this exceptional school, Mountjoy, and I feel very privileged to do so. I strongly believe that education is not just about Maths and English. It is about being in a good state to develop skills and find talents. It is about learning to communicate for a range of purposes. It is about carving out your place in society. It is about becoming proud to be yourself.
I work for the good of the individual, the community and wider society alongside a great team of teaching and support staff and a strong board of Governors, who are all equally passionate about our mission.

Siobhan Freer

Siobhan Freer

Clerk to the Governors

I am delighted to have been appointed as the Clerk to Governors at Mountjoy School and with over 6 years as a Clerical Officer, I hope that my knowledge and enthusiasm will assist the incredible team of Governors we have.
My primary role is to organise and support the Governors, so that they can take the important decisions needed to secure the best outcome for our school community.
Should you be interested in finding out more about the governing board or have a query about one of the documents listed, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Rebecca Knox

Rebecca Knox

Local Authority Governor

School governing bodies are incredibly important and play a key role in ensuring the level of education, health and wellbeing of all pupils lies at the heart of a school. For staff the Governing Body provides that extra independent check and challenge and when all comes together, the school performs to an excellent standard for all. I live in Beaminster and have been involved with Mountjoy since the first plans emerged for its move to the Beaminster site. It flourishes and grows and is a school for the local community, its pupils and their families and staff to be proud of. Thank you for electing me as a Governor, it is an incredibly rewarding role.

Janice Pavitt

Janice Pavitt

Vice Chair - Co-opted Governor

I am a retired Nurse, Health Visitor, Nursing Manager for Women’s Health and Paediatric Services and ended my career as a Designated Nurse for Child Protection. For most of my working life I worked in an East London borough and experienced a diverse range of people, cultures and practices. For a short time while my own 3 children were young, I lived with my husband in both Singapore and in Kuwait which again offered the opportunity of learning how different life was in the Far and Middle East.
For many years I was a Magistrate in an East London court although my last 8 years of court duties were in the Family Courts only where I served as the Vice Chairman of the Greater London Family Panel. Although I am now a retired magistrate, I still retain my links with the law and am a member of an Independent Monitoring Board at a Dorset Prison.
Through both my family court work and time spent managing Paediatrics and, latterly in Child Protection, I have gained much understanding of the difficulties faced by parents with children who are neuro-diverse and those who require a specialist education. I hope I understand a little of the many day to day challenges that have to be faced and am therefore happy to serve as a Mountjoy School Governor for as long as I am able to do so

Carrie Shead-Jones

Carrie Shead-Jones

Staff Governor

I have 30 years teaching experience and have spent the last 18 years working in Special Education.
I have been a parent governor and co-opted governor in infant, junior and secondary schools in Fleet Hampshire over the past 20 years and have enjoyed this role immensely. During this time, I have been on deputy and head teacher panels and worked with Heads of Departments looking at curriculum needs and resources.
I moved from Hampshire and have been in Dorset nearly 3 years with my family. I have a son who has just graduated with a Masters in Film and a daughter who has just finished her law degree in Cardiff.
I am enjoying working at Mountjoy and looking forward to representing the staff on the governing body.

Liz Fraser

Liz Fraser

Co-opted Governor

My husband and I moved from Essex to Mosterton in 2007. We are both architects, specialising in the education sector, and my particular interest and specialism within that was in Special Need. I started my career at the then Department of Education and Science in the Architects and Building Branch. I was involved there in the research on Special Design which led to the publication of the first Building Bulletin on Designing for Pupils with SEN and the development of area standards which still form the basis of school design today. I later worked as a Local Authority Architect in Essex, involved in the development of units attached to mainstream schools for children with autism, visual impairment and hearing impairment and was a long standing Parent and then co-opted Governor of a large stand-alone Nursery School with a unit for pupils with speech and language difficulties. Later in my career my husband and I headed the Education Division of a medium sized architectural practise, and I became an education design adviser to a number of local authorities, to schools, to building consortia and to other firms of architects on the design of nursery, primary and secondary schools. I was appointed by Lambeth Council to advise on the briefing and the design of the Michael Tippett Special School, a secondary school for pupils with special needs, which won a number of awards. I also became an OFSTED Lay Inspector. I have been a non-executive Director of a General Hospital, and was an NHS Design Reviewer. Since moving here I joined the Board of the Acorn Multi Academy Trust for 18 months. We have 6 lively grandchildren who love coming to Dorset, but I certainly found helping with home schooling very challenging during the various lockdowns. We have 3 hens and a large garden. I enjoy walking, reading, knitting, house and garden visiting and the friends we have made here in West Dorset.

Jane Biglin

Jane Biglin

Co-opted Governor

Mountjoy School is a school I very much believe in – it feels like a great family of wonderful staff, Governors, children and families. By offering my services as a Governor I hope that I may contribute in a very small way to the future success of the school and the excellent provision it makes for children and young people with very individual needs in their education.
My background was, for many years working in the travel industry with an emphasis on developing travel for people with disabilities. But travel around the world did not work well with having my two daughters so that I started working as a note taker for sight and hearing impaired post 16 students. I loved the work and so ended up taking a Postgraduate Diploma in Education for the Hearing Impaired. This enabled me, as a non-qualified teacher, to practice as a Post 16 only Teacher of the Deaf. Having worked with deafblind students I moved into family support work with two different charities working with specific genetic syndromes. As well as causing dual sensory impairment the syndromes involved complex medical needs and varying levels of learning disability. Supporting the families was a privilege which I so enjoyed and so, on retiring, I became a Trustee for Alström Syndrome UK. I moved to Beaminster last year and in my ‘retirement’ I enjoy gardening, dog walking, dance, singing and my voluntary work with Beaminster Community Fridge


Helen Land

Helen Land

Parent Governor

I am delighted to join the governing body of Mountjoy School as Parent Governor. My two children have attended Mountjoy since 2021, and they are thriving in the nurturing and supportive environment that has been created at Mountjoy. Prior to raising our family, I worked in the field of Environmental Education, working in an Ecology Centre and with several Wildlife Trusts.  I then gained a teaching qualification in Science Education and taught Science in mainstream secondary schools for over a decade. Because of my Science background I am pleased to become the Link Governor for Science at Mountjoy, and I hope that I will be able to use my knowledge and experience to support the Science teaching here.
I have always enjoyed nature and gardening, and I now spend much of my time growing a wide range of cut flowers which I sell to local customers and florists. I also hold flower arranging and crafting workshops for local charities including ASCape and The Shire at Crockermore. As a family we all like spending time outdoors, we like walking our dog together and visiting the seaside.  I also enjoy reading, yoga, and playing the piano. 


Jamie Scott

Jamie Scott

Co-opted Governor

I retired to Bridport in 2023 from North London where I helped raise my 3 children. My working background is in the private sector where I held senior IT management positions and then spent several years in management consultancy.
I am Chair of Trustees at a secondary Academy in north London and have been on their governing body for around 15 years.
I enjoy all the various things that this area has to offer. I take part in various sports both spectating and participating, and have my garden to keep on top of.


Gareth Burton

Gareth Burton

Parent Governor

Our son became a student at Mountjoy in September 2023 and the impact on both his life and our family life has been unbelievably positive. So positive that when an opening to become a governor at the school became available, I felt compelled to apply with the aim of supporting the school in any way possible. I have learnt a great deal from my son so far on his journey and I am looking forward to putting what I have learnt into practice and having a positive impact on areas that matter most to children and parents at the school. I am from a business background in hospitality and believe that I can bring a lot of skills around communication, thinking flexibly about employment and developing practical life skills to my role as a governor. I believe that a good mix of diverse backgrounds on the board make for better conversations around education and in turn, outcomes. I am also a member of The Friends of Mountjoy and I massively enjoy coming into school and meeting the students and being a part of school life. I hope that my role as a governor will further enhance this, as it’s definitely the best part!


Craig Monks

Craig Monks

Co-opted Governor

I am the Ward Councillor for Beaminster and extremely proud to be a member of the school’s governor team at Mountjoy.
Mountjoy is an inspirational place and I am looking forward to supporting its growth and success. Mountjoy is a vital part of the Beaminster and wider community which is incredibly important to me and I am committed to working hard to ensure the needs of our residents are met and that our local services thrive.


Stephen Larcombe

Stephen Larcombe

Co-opted Governor

My wife and I lived for several decades in Wheathampstead Hertfordshire. We moved to Beaminster in 2020.  I am a passionate advocate for children’s rights and general well-being.
During a long legal career, in addition to private practice, I provided pro bono advice to the Citizens Advice Bureau, an environmental charity and the Environmental Law Foundation.
I am chair of the Property Lawyers Alliance.
I was appointed Life Governor of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, which merged with The Cancer Research Campaign in 2002.
Appointed President Rotary Club of Royston in 1996. Appointed Chairman of the Wheathampstead and District Preservation Society in 1996.
Chairman Royston & District Chamber of Commerce Feb 2005 – Jul 2010. I also like to solve problems collaboratively which has resulted in me acting for residents on a pro bono basis to stop permissions being given for thousands of tons of inert waste material to be deposited on a sensitive village site and to defeat a controversial planning application for a superstore.


Governor Documents

Governor Documents

Terms of Office 121224.pdfPreviewDownload
Register of Interests Oct 2024.pdfPreviewDownload
Link Governors 141024.pdfPreviewDownload
Governor Allowances Policy Sept 24.pdfPreviewDownload
Code of Conduct for School Governing Board Oct 24.pdfPreviewDownload
Governor Committee 141024.pdfPreviewDownload
Governor School Visits Policy Nov 23.pdfPreviewDownload
Governing Board Standing Orders October 2022.pdfPreviewDownload