Free School Meals

A free healthy meal is available every school day to children whose parents or carers receive financial support (also known as benefits). Please visit the Dorset Council Free School Meals webpages for more information to see if your child is eligible. This contains a quick, easy, and confidential online application form. The financial information you provide will not be seen by your child’s school or teachers.

Free holiday activities

If your child qualifies for free school meals, they also get access to free activities and nutritious food in the school holidays and their school will receive extra money from the Government to support this. Find out more and sign up to receive your access code

Get extra funding for your child’s school

Even if your child is in reception, year 1 or year 2 and already gets universal infant free school meals (UIFSM), you need to complete the pupil premium application form to get extra funding for their school. This has no effect on your entitlement but provides extra money to support your child’s education and development. Apply for pupil premium for your school

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