“The behaviour of pupils is exemplary; they feel safe and really enjoy learning.” Ofsted Quote
Mountjoy School Safeguarding Statement
• Our highest priority is to safeguard and promote the well-being of all of our children and staff.
• Our pupils are taught how to tell someone when they are hurt or feel unsafe; we listen to pupils and take seriously what they tell staff.
• We pay attention to children’s non-verbal communication, especially of those who are unable to communicate through speaking or signing.
• Prompt and appropriate action is taken if we have any concerns.
• Staff take part in safeguarding training as part of their induction; they regularly receive updated training in recognising and reporting safeguarding issues and are aware of their statutory
• All staff and volunteers at Mountjoy are referred to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and have the necessary clearances which are checked regularly.
Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children. School staff are particularly important as they are in a position to identify concerns early and provide help for children.
Schools also have a responsibility to ensure staff, volunteers and visitors are aware of their responsibilities towards the children in their care and how to maintain a safe working environment. The following policy details how the school responds to safeguarding children and safer working practices:
Click here for PDSCP – The Pan Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership – Talk to experts on 0808 800 5000 if you’re worried about a child or need advice or information about child protection.
Our Safeguarding Leads are here to support all concerns including Safeguarding, Child Protection issues, E-Safety, radicalisation and Child Sexual Exploitation.
You can access all our policies here:

Emma Lambourn
Designated Safeguard Lead

Gill Howard
Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead

Richard Bowskill
Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead

Tracey Page
Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead / Teacher responsible for LAC

Sandra Hutchings
Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead
Out Of Hours/Non Term Time DSL Cover
Devon County Council
Emergencies (out of hours) Social Services: 0345 600 0388 or 0845 600 0388
MASH Devon County Council 0345 155 1071
Emergencies (out of hours) Social Services: 0345 600 0388 or 0845 600 0388
Dorset Council
Dorset Families and Members of the Public Contact 01202 228866
Website Worried About A Child
Dorset Adult Safeguarding
Tel: 01305 221016
Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole 01202 738256
Somerset County Council
Contact 0300 123 2224
Out of Hours Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0300 123 23 27
If you’re worried about a child, or you work with children and need advice or information, call the helpline on 0808 800 5000 open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In an emergency always contact the police by dialing 999 or if it is not an emergency and you want to talk with the police, dial 101.