Chestnut Class
Charlotte Kemp
Class Teacher
Kevin Broadway
Class Teacher
Chestnut Class – Mission Statement
Intent The Aim for all Chestnut Class students is to be happy, confident and resilient learners who can effectivity communicate with peers and adults; to be respectful of self and everyone around them; to develop independence skills and use those skills in everyday life; to be motivated and inspired in all aspects of learning and to understand the purpose for that learning: to have high aspirations.
Implementation NC (& some SLD) Curriculum & MAPS Through a structured, differentiated curriculum that meets the needs of all learners; through planned activities that excite and capture the imagination of pupils; daily opportunities to develop pupils’ communication skills; use of visuals to promote pupils’ understanding of expectations; structured play activities to develop pupils’ social skills; opportunities for pupils’ to develop self-care and independence; Computing lessons to develop pupils skills in using ICT confidently and effectively; therapy sessions to help pupils regulate themselves and be ready to learn.
Impact Pupils will feel happy, safe and secure and be able to engage fully with the curriculum and achieve their full potential. Pupils will have the skills to make informed choices and be ready for their next step in their education.
At Key Stage 1 and 2 we provide an exciting, challenging and motivating curriculum which focuses on National Curriculum subjects and it ensures relevance to the twenty-first century. Pupils follow a 5 yr topic based curriculum that is based upon the Equals Schemes of Work.
Key Stage 1 and 2 enjoy the fantastic opportunities to explore their community and outdoor environment as extensions of the classroom and benefit from these to develop their skills.
Subject delivery includes English, Maths, Science, Computing, PE, ART, Music, Design & Technology, History, Geography, Modern Foreign Languages and PSHE. Pupils also access Weymouth Outdoor Activity Centre in Weymouth, Horse riding at Hill View Stables, local shops and libraries as part of their curriculum.
Chestnut & Rowan went Kayaking
On Friday Chestnut & Rowan visited Sandsfoot beach in Weymouth for a kayaking session run by Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre . Most of the students had either never kayaked or only done it once before. After helmets and life jackets were on the first group set...
Chestnut Visit to Kingcombe
Chestnut class are really enjoying being out and about at Kingcombe each week this term. So far we've been looking for animal tracks, (plenty of deer prints there!) Exploring the meadows and learning how to use a compass, We've been down to the stream to see how it...
Chestnut Class – Kingcombe Wildlife Centre
This term for Science, Chestnut Class are learning about ourselves, the environment, wildlife, horticulture and learning some skills on how to cope in an emergency. We had a fantastic first trip to Kingcombe Wildlife Centre yesterday, where we'll be visiting on a...
Christmas Jumper Day 8th December
We are celebrating Christmas Jumper Day on 8th December, which will hopefully bring some colour to this very gloomy December, and to raise funds for Save the Children. Please wear something Christmasy tomorrow and if you can, spare some change which will be...