Ash Class

Nathan Hall

Nathan Hall

Class Teacher

Kat Thurtle

Kat Thurtle

Class Teacher

Carrie Shead-Jones

Carrie Shead-Jones

Class Teacher

Ash Class – Mission Statement

Intent Students are inspired to be as literate and as numerate as they can be. They are supported to become self-motivated, independent and proud of their own achievements and plan personal goals to work towards.

Implementation The breadth and purpose of the KS4 curriculum in Ash aims to be engaging, relevant and challenging, it includes learning key skills for adulthood (eg. relationship and sex education, independent living skills). We aim to include a residential trip alongside trips into the community. It bridges the gap between KS3 and 6th Form. Most students are working towards functional skills in Maths, English, ICT and Duke of Edinburgh Bronze or Silver Award.  Others are working towards Lifeskills Challenges that focus on demonstrating skills gained through acquired knowledge.

Impact Ash students understand that an excellent learner: asks questions, makes mistakes and discovers.

Students in Ash class are mainly Key Stage 4 and there is a focus on functional skills, employability and independent living.  Some students in either post 16 or Key Stage 3 who have been identified as needing this type of provision will also work within Ash, having inclusion as appropriate with their peers in the relevant key stages.

The students in Ash will study a range of subjects within their curriculum alongside developing functional skills in daily independent Living and Learning skills for life and work.



Students in Ash class are assessed using the Steps4Life Assessment framework and functional skills.

Where students study functional skills, accreditation will be used to work towards recognised qualifications.

Students will be encouraged to take ownership of their learning, and develop their own portfolios of work.


Thank you Phrenix for our day at The Wave

Thank you Phrenix for our day at The Wave

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Visit from SSCO Pepper and SSCO Hann

Visit from SSCO Pepper and SSCO Hann

Today, we had a great visit from SSCO Albert Pepper and SSCO Stuart Hann to talk to our older students regarding online safety.  They spoke to the students about how to stay safe and how to speak to each other whilst online but also who to talk to if they are at...

Hello Yellow Day

Hello Yellow Day

Ash class organised a day of activities for Hello Yellow Day to go towards their volunteering element of the Duke of Edinburgh Award.  Hello Yellow Day is a charity supporting young minds and yesterday was World Mental Health Day. Ash pupils planned Wellie Wangling,...

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

On 11th and 12th July, 7 students from Ash class took part in their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expedition.  They have been working on their other sections through the year.  We prepared for the expedition with map reading and navigation, stove cooking and basic first...

Drama day at the Marine Theatre

Drama day at the Marine Theatre

As part of Arts Week, the drama group went to the Marine Theatre in Lyme Regis to take part in a workshop with year 10 students from Woodroffe School. It was an amazing morning playing drama games and acting out the story 'Get off my train.' The day was really...

Glitz & Glamour 2024 Prom!

Glitz & Glamour 2024 Prom!

What an amazing Prom we had last week.  The Key Stage 4, 5 and 6 form students came back into school for their Glitz & Glamour Prom.  Students arrived in a variety of ways from a tractor, motorbike, convertible cars to hoverboard!  Students had selected their own...

Leavers Assembly and BBQ

Leavers Assembly and BBQ

On Thursday of last week we had our annual leavers assembly where we waved off seven students . All were given a prom photo from the night before and sung out to "So Strong by the whole school" . We wish each and every leaver the best of luck in which ever path they...

The last College visit for Ash class this academic year was at SWRAC near Dorchester.  A small friendly college set in the Dorset countryside with lovely staff and students who spent the day with us telling us about their college and experiences. SWRAC have a range of...

Sports Leaders in Ash Class

Sports Leaders in Ash Class

On Monday some of Ash class joined other schools in finishing their sports leadership course, learning how to deliver short sports activities to younger children. Head of PE Kelly Trotter is hoping to roll this out most years from now on to give our students...

Ash Class visit to Kingston Maurward College

Ash Class visit to Kingston Maurward College

Ash enjoyed another college visit to Kingston Maurward, where we met lots of friendly cows and sheep with lambs.  A few of our students are already considering this college. [gallery...