Go Team GB!

Go Team GB!

Monday 22nd July marked the launch of the Olympics at Mountjoy School with a very special local guest making an appearance. Harry Stewart the Paralympic swimmer for Team GB started the day with a question and answer session for our KS3 and above students. This inspirational and uplifting talk gave the students an insight into the daily life of an athlete. Harry has so far won Gold at the European Para Swimming Championships, multi-classification Bronze at the world series event in Aberdeen and of course securing the para swimming national title in London at the Aquatics GB swimming.

The children loved the opportunity to talk to Harry and ask him questions about the sport. We were also privileged to hold his most precious medals.

Mountjoy School will be supporting Harry during his Olympic journey and you can too by watching the opening ceremony on the 28th August and Harry will compete on Monday 2nd  September. Go Team GB!

Oak Class sessions at Weymouth and Portland Adventure

Oak Class sessions at Weymouth and Portland Adventure

Oak Class have been lucky enough to have sessions at Weymouth and Portland Adventure. Returning to see Darren and the team after quite a break, we last worked with them when we did NCS 2 years ago. Darren and Alan came into school in the Autumn term to meet the students and see what equipment we would need them to provide for successful visits. The first group to go were our leavers and they had all been part of the original group so knew how it all worked, wrestling with wetsuits once tried never forgotten!!! But we were definitely quicker at getting sorted this time 😊

We went as 2 groups with each group having 3 sessions each taking part in; kayaking, Powerboat rides, crabbing and Mega SUP. The weather across the six weeks may have been very ropey in some parts but on Thursdays we seemed to get the best of it and enjoyed several very sunny sessions and eating picnic lunch on the benches outside the Sailing Academy before heading back to school.

The WPA team were amazing at ensuring successful activities for all our students attending.  Anyone looking for fun holiday activities check you their webpage and socials.

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

On 11th and 12th July, 7 students from Ash class took part in their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expedition.  They have been working on their other sections through the year.  We prepared for the expedition with map reading and navigation, stove cooking and basic first aid.  Day 1 we started the day preparing a brunch of noodles and pancakes cooking on Trangia stoves to give us some extra energy.  We then walked around the Mapperton estate following a circular route.  Day 2 we set off from school walking a route out to Netherbury church and back round to Beaminster.  The expedition was assessed externally and all the students who completed both days passed with flying colours.  Lynn our assessor was very impressed with their navigation skills and how their team work developed over the two days.  Well done Ash students!

Beach School with Hazel Class

Beach School with Hazel Class

Hazel class really enjoyed our end of term Beach school session at West Bay. We spent some time on the beach making clocks, and thinking about good and bad rules for the beach. We then were lucky enough to have a hot lunch at Snack Shack to celebrate the year. All of the students were very well behaved, and we were very proud to represent Mountjoy.

Chestnut & Rowan went Kayaking

Chestnut & Rowan went Kayaking

On Friday Chestnut & Rowan visited Sandsfoot beach in Weymouth for a kayaking session run by Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre . Most of the students had either never kayaked or only done it once before. After helmets and life jackets were on the first group set to sea with the WOEC staff all learning how to hold the paddle and navigate their way around the small cove before swapping to the next group, confidence grew within each student and everyone enjoyed the morning.  A picnic followed in the gardens above the bay.

Drama day at the Marine Theatre

Drama day at the Marine Theatre

As part of Arts Week, the drama group went to the Marine Theatre in Lyme Regis to take part in a workshop with year 10 students from Woodroffe School. It was an amazing morning playing drama games and acting out the story ‘Get off my train.’ The day was really spectacular with lots of good communication, interaction, creativity and collaboration.
We also took the opportunity to practice A Midsummer Night’s Dream on the theatre stage!
The students loved this and all said what a great day they had!