Nov 22, 2024
This term Laurel Class have enjoyed Outdoor Learning sessions with Katie! We spend a session each Wednesday in our back field re-telling the story of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’, making our way through snowstorms, the river and thick mud before finally getting back to base safely. It’s always lovely to be out and about and seeing the children engrossed in their learning!
Dec 7, 2023

We are celebrating Christmas Jumper Day on 8th December, which will hopefully bring some colour to this very gloomy December, and to raise funds for Save the Children.
Please wear something Christmasy tomorrow and if you can, spare some change which will be collected in school. If you prefer to donate direct to Save the Children, here is a link to the school’s Just Giving page:
Nov 22, 2023
On Friday 17th November Laurel class spent the day at Magdalen Farm learning about all aspects of the farm life. This was an amazing day and all the students were fully engaged in all the activities. We helped care for the farm animals and learnt about organic welfare standards. We fed the pigs and goats, and used kind caring hands to hold the chickens. We collected some eggs and used a special machine to separate them into different sizes. After lunch we took part in Vegetable Garden Jobs and complete valuable day-to-day jobs such as pulling up carrots and putting down compost to feed the ground. Finishing the day with making bird feeders and decorations for the Christmas tree.