Jul 16, 2024
On Friday Chestnut & Rowan visited Sandsfoot beach in Weymouth for a kayaking session run by Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre . Most of the students had either never kayaked or only done it once before. After helmets and life jackets were on the first group set to sea with the WOEC staff all learning how to hold the paddle and navigate their way around the small cove before swapping to the next group, confidence grew within each student and everyone enjoyed the morning. A picnic followed in the gardens above the bay.
May 10, 2024
Chestnut class are really enjoying being out and about at Kingcombe each week this term. So far we’ve been looking for animal tracks, (plenty of deer prints there!) Exploring the meadows and learning how to use a compass, We’ve been down to the stream to see how it changes in it’s flow and all the students keep requesting to go back to the bird hide to see what different birds we can identify. Jenny has downloaded an app so we can listen to the bird calls and learn what birds make which sounds. This week was especially exciting. We joined Matt from Kingcombe to go and collect the trail camera that he’d put out about a fortnight ago before going out into the meadows to play directional games. When we arrived back at the base Matt came out to show us some clips of Deer, Foxes, Jay’s, pheasants and finally an Otter that had been caught on the trail camera!
Apr 17, 2024
This term for Science, Chestnut Class are learning about ourselves, the environment, wildlife, horticulture and learning some skills on how to cope in an emergency. We had a fantastic first trip to Kingcombe Wildlife Centre yesterday, where we’ll be visiting on a weekly basis this term. We walked around the centre looking and taking photos of “nature”. All the students and staff enjoyed being outside and enjoying the lovely weather.. We were even able to have lunch outside before going off as a group exploring.
Kingcombe Visitor Centre is part of Dorset Wildlife Trust. The centre is a great place to enjoy and relax whilst exploring the natural world. It’s provides peace and tranquility in their wildlife gardens, orchards, bird hide, meadowland and boardwalk. It’s open to the public and is free to visit.
Dec 7, 2023
We are celebrating Christmas Jumper Day on 8th December, which will hopefully bring some colour to this very gloomy December, and to raise funds for Save the Children.
Please wear something Christmasy tomorrow and if you can, spare some change which will be collected in school. If you prefer to donate direct to Save the Children, here is a link to the school’s Just Giving page: